Engage for Change

Indigenous History

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Indigenous Identities and Cultural Resurgence

Indigenous Identities and Cultural Resurgence

What does it mean to have an ‘Indigenous identity?’ The word ‘Indigenous’ is problematic as it implies that Indigenous cultures are homogenous. In fact, there are over 600 Indigenous communities across Canada and over 50 Indigenous language groups. Indigenous cultures have unique histories, which are grounded in the territories and lands where they originate. Culture and ‘worldview’ are imbedded in Indigenous languages and cultural practices.

I read about the diabetes epidemic among Indigenous communities; why is it an epidemic?

I read about the diabetes epidemic among Indigenous communities; why is it an epidemic?

History indicates that upon first contact settlers to the new world were stunned by the quality of health of the original inhabitants. In fact, there are historical accounts of settlers writing back to Europe expressing their astonishment of the vast array of foods the Indigenous peoples were consuming and the apparent health of these Indigenous peoples being advanced. There were even written accounts by settlers complaining of the excessive bathing of Indigenous peoples! Good nutrition and good hygiene are paramount to living a healthy lifestyle and prevented diseases like diabetes.

Do You Carry the Great Peace?

Do You Carry the Great Peace?

The story of the Peacemaker belongs to the Haudenosaunee; this summarized version aims to provide education and insight into the life and contributions of the Peacemaker and further; to the culture and traditions of the Haudenosaunee. The information presented was written with good intentions and with the upmost respect to the spirit of the Great Peace and the Great Law of Peace, to Haudenosaunee people and to all Indigenous peoples that maintain and protect traditional knowledge and ways of knowing.

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen - Thanksgiving Address in Haudenosaunee Culture

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen - Thanksgiving Address in Haudenosaunee Culture

In the Haudenosaunee language, the Thanksgiving Address is called Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen pronounced ‘Oh hon don Gar ee wah day kwon,’ which translates to “What we say before we do anything important.” In English, it is commonly known as the Opening Prayer, the Greetings (“giving greetings to the natural world”), and most commonly, the Thanksgiving Address.

In traditional Haudenosaunee culture, the Thanksgiving Address is spoken at the opening and closing of important cultural events, including traditional Haudenosaunee ceremonies, meetings and gatherings.

The Historical Importance of Corn to Haudenosaunee Culture


Corn or maize is an Indigenous North American plant and it plays an important role in Haudenosaunee history and culture. The Haudenosaunee cultivated and harvested corn on a large scale within the ancestral Haudenosaunee lands of present day New York State. Corn was a principle and favourite vegetable food of the Haudenosaunee and they harvested many variations.