Engage for Change

March 2017

Seven Generations – Thinking Beyond Our Time

Seven Generations – Thinking Beyond Our Time

Have you ever heard of the concept of ‘Seven Generations?’ This concept teaches us that our actions and decisions will affect seven generations after us. This teaching also challenges us to think beyond an individual level to make good decisions that will benefit seven generations. So, how does the concept of Seven Generations relate to reconciliation?

Reconciliation is Complex…

People downtown

Reconciliation is a complex topic as there are several forms of reconciliation, depending on what needs to be reconciled. This is evident by the 94 Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada (2015), which highlights areas for reconciliation in several areas including (but not limited to), child welfare, education, language and culture, health, justice, government, churches, youth, museums, media, sports and business.

Kaha:wi Traditional Indigenous Dance Workshop

Dance Workshop

On Thursday, March 2nd, grade 7 and 8 elementary school students participated in a Traditional Indigenous Dance workshop at Southview Public School in Napanee, Ontario. The workshop was hosted by two members of Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, an outstanding Indigenous dance performance group.