Engage for Change

Indigenous Identities & Cultural Resurgence

Indigenous Identities and Cultural ResurgencePinterest
Photo Source: Shutterstock

What does it mean to have an ‘Indigenous identity?’ The word ‘Indigenous’ is problematic as it implies that Indigenous cultures are homogenous. In fact, there are over 600 Indigenous communities across Canada and over 50 Indigenous language groups. Indigenous cultures have unique histories, which are grounded in the territories and lands where they originate. Culture and ‘worldview’ are imbedded in Indigenous languages and cultural practices.

What is cultural resurgence? It is the renewal and revival of cultural practices after a period of time where they were not active. During the period of residential schools in Canada, it was illegal for Indigenous peoples to speak their Indigenous languages or to participate in Indigenous cultural practices, including ceremonies such as the potlatch ceremony (i.e., from the west coast).

Now is an exciting time for Indigenous peoples in Canada as we see a resurgence of Indigenous cultural practices. Today, we can participate in Indigenous cultural practices, events, and ceremonies. More Indigenous youth are taking an interest in (re)learning Indigenous languages.

Cultural resurgence is re-claiming one’s Indigenous cultural identity. Culture is not static. It is not historical. Culture is alive; it evolves. Today, you will see Indigenous culture expressed in a way that incorporates history and the present. You can find it in the arts, in music, in literature, and in the actions of local Indigenous youth as they create new grassroots initiatives that honour and celebrate their cultural identities.