Engage for Change

Indigenous Solidarity: A Conversation Series:

4 February 2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am

This is an open invitation to everyone in the Queen's and broader community to join us for a new series of talks associated with Global Development Studies’ Principal’s Dream Course on Indigenous Human Ecology in the winter term of 2020.

The four conversational talks will feature Global Development Studies Instructor Ian Fanning (Algonquin), pictured above, speaking with invited guests on topics that explore Indigenous solidarity in various forms, why we need it at Queen’s and in the wider community, and how we can support Indigenous resistance and resurgence.

Registration is required for each talk as space is limited in Mitchell Hall. Please register here

February 4th, 2020 

Topic: TBA

Host: Kassie Hill

Speakers: Ian Fanning and Lauren Winkler

Lauren Winkler is a Kanien'keha:ka and settler identified student at Queen's Law. Her roots are in Tyendinaga. She is committed to learning the various laws of the onkwe:honwe (original peoples) as well as the laws that are more commonly practiced by contemporary Canadian society. She is also dedicated to working with administration, staff, and student governing bodies at Queen's to create a space where both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities will feel safe engaging in conversations of (re)conciliation.


69 Union St.
Mitchell Hall - Event Commons (Room 103), Queen's University
Kingston, ON K7L 2N9