Discover the origin of the corn husk doll through traditional oral teachings. After these teachings each participant will be able to create their own corn husk doll. This will be done through step-by-step instructions and visual examples. Participants will be able to take away an understanding of this portion of Haudenosaunee tradition, and an interest to learn more. This experience is suitable for both adults/seniors and children with guidance. Please note, this workshop corresponds with harvest season and traditional times of creating such a piece. Melanie Gray is an Indigenous Artist, Jeweler, and Art Therapist from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. She has a history of facilitating workshops with a variety of ages. Melanie is from the Mohawk Nation and a member of the wolf clan. When: Saturday, October 24th 10 am – 12 pm Where: Rehearsal Hall, 2nd Floor, Tett Centre for Creativity & Learning
NOTICE: Registration is required. Class size is limited to accommodate physical distancing measures. Students will be required to complete a self-assessment form prior to the class. Masks must be worn within the building at all times. Please wash and sanitize hands regularly, and maintain physical distancing. We are monitoring and following Health Canada and Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) Health Unit recommendations. We look forward to your safe and creative visit!