Engage for Change

The Mush Hole: Truth, Acknowledgement, Resilience

9 March 2020 - 7:00pm

Created and Produced by Santee Smith

Tour Remount by Kaha:wi Dance Theatre (Six Nations & Toronto, Ontario)

Created by award-winning dance artist Santee Smith, The Mush Hole is a powerful and timely performance that uses song, dance and theatre to explore the lives and spirits of children who were forced to attend Ontario’s Mohawk Institute residential school.

 “The Mush Hole reflects the realities of the Mohawk Institute residential school experience and offers a way to open dialogue and to heal, through acknowledgment and honouring the spirit of Survivors and families that were impacted.” — Santee Smith

The Mush Hole Content Advisory

This production is a theatrical portrayal of the environment and experiences at the Mohawk Institute — Canada’s first Residential School. The performance contains depictions of physical, sexual abuse, drinking of alcohol and emotional trauma. An herbal cigarette is briefly lit on stage.

 Recommended for ages 13+

APPROXIMATE RUNNING TIME: 60 minutes with no intermission

 See link below for tickets:


Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
390 King St. West
Kingston, ON K7L 2X4